After the introduction of a large number of improved and high yielding varieties of crops, in order to insure that certified good quality seed are made available to the cultivators for agricultural purpose at reasonable rates. Seeds Act,1966 which was passed by the Indian Parliament was extended to the whole country from October, 1959.
Under the Seeds Act, 1966 not only all the seeds must conform to the minimum limits of the purity and germination but seed certification was also made essential so that the farmers may be assured of the high quality and genetic purity of the seeds and the planting materials supplied to them. The Seed Act requires to maintain the reasonable minimum standards for different classes of seeds namely (a) Breeder seed (b) Foundation seed (c) Certified seed. Under the provisions of the Act, the seeds for certification are to be labelled stating among others (i) Kind and varieties of the seed (ii) Minimum physical purity per cent (iii) Year of profication Agency (v) Period during which the Seeds should be used for sowing or planting etc.
Under the provisions of the Seeds Act, 1966 and the Seeds Rules, 1968 which was extended to Manipur, some Agriculture Officers were appointed to function as Seed Inspectors. They were given training in order to get themselves acquainted with the Seeds Act and the Rules thereunder to enable them to discharge their duties.
A small Seed Testing Laboratory was set up at the Mantripukhri Farm. Necessary seed sampling, seed testing, seed treating, storage equipmets were procured and installed. A seed Analyst and his supporting office and laboratory staff were appointed. From the beginning of the seventies, seed purity analysis, moisture testing, germination testing etc. of different seed samples were taken up.