Review of Annual Plan 2013-14

Financial: During the Annual Plan, 2013-14, the schemes implemented during the Annual Plan 2012-13 were continued. The thrusts were given to the production of food grains, oilseeds, sugarcane and potato by giving more emphasis on multiple cropping and Transfer of Technology (ToT). The cropping intensity was increased from the Annual Plan, 2011-12 i.e 143.26 to 145.16. The total approved outlay for Annual Plan, 2013-14 was Rs. 1252.20 lakhs that includes Rs. 1086.83 lakh under Crop Husbandry (Agri),Rs. 4.00 lakh under Storage and Warehousing, Rs. 153.37 lakh under Agriculture Research & Education and Rs. 8.00 lakh under Agriculture Marketing. The anticipated expenditure for the Annual Plan, 2013-14 are as follows:

Sl.No.Categories/ Type2013-14
Approved/Revise OutlayAnticipated Expenditure
1Crop Husbandry1086.831086.83
2Food Storage & Warehousing4.004.00
3Agril. Research & Education153.37153.37
4Agril. Marketing8.008.00

For the Annual Plan 2013-14, out of Approved outlay of Rs. 1252.20  lakhs, 380.39 lakhs (35%) and Rs.97.81 lakhs (9.00%) were  earmarked for the flow to TSP and SCP respectively.

Physical Target And Achievement for Annual Plan 2013-14

During Pre- Kharif 2013 only 27,800 ha. of paddy were brought under cultivation against the target of 45,500 ha. The production of Pre-Kharif Paddy 2013 was  91,780 MT clean rice. During the Kharif season 2013 an area of 1, 95,000 ha. were brought under main paddy cultivation with a  production of 5,05,890 MT of clean rice. The total area brought under paddy was 2,22,800 ha  with a production of 5,97,670 MT of clean rice. The productivity of rice for the year 20113-14 was achieved with 2,680 Kg/ha. against the National average of 2177 Kg/ha. (2010-11)

The area under pulses during year 2013-14 was 30,380 ha with an estimated production of 28,650 MT. The per hectare yield of pulses for the year 2013-14was 940 Kg/ha against the National average of 537Kg/ha. (2010-11)

An area of 26,090 ha. under maize were brought against the targeted area of 26,500 ha. The production is estimated 58,610 MT against the target of 60,880 MT. The productivity of maize was 2250 Kg/ha against the National average of 1959 Kg/ha (2010-11).

The total area under oilseeds cultivation during 2013-14 was 36,920 ha. were brought under cultivation and could produced a quantity of 31,010 MT. The productivity of oilseeds to estimated with 840 Kg/ha against the National average of 1159 Kg/ha. (2010-11).The targeted area and production of 15,000 ha and 127,000 MT respectively were achieved under potato.

The net and gross areas under different crops cultivated during 2013-14 were 2,33,740 ha.  and 3,39,29 ha. respectively. The Cropping Intensity (CI) for the year 2013-14 was 145.16 % against the target of 152.56%.

Constraints faced during Annual Plan 2013-14

The State faced the following constraints during Annual Plan 2013-14 to the production of food grains, oilseeds, sugarcane and potato fall short of the target
1. Occurrence disease and pest problem during the tillering and flowering stage of kharif rice.
2. Lack of adequate and reliable irrigation and Drainage infrastructures.
3. Creeping soil acidity problems.
4. Lack of fund and delay in release of fund.
5. Lack of adequate infrastructure for mobilizing development Programme in the hills
6. Soil testing facilities is not available

Director Agriculture

N. Gojendro

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