Rashtriya Khrishi VikasnYojna (RKVY) was launch in the State since 2008-09. In Manipur RKVY is implemented by 7 (Seven) Allied Departments and 2 (Two) Registered Societies viz. 1) Agriculture as Nodal Department 2) Cooperation 3) Horticulture & Soil Conservation 4) Fisheries 5) Forest 6) Sericulture 7) Veterinary and Animal Husbandary 8) Eastern Border Area Development Authority (EBADA Registered society) and 9) Barak River Valley Development Board BRVDB Registered society).
As per Guidelines of Government of India for implementation of RKVY, State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) meeting is conducted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur with the members from the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi to approve the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) submitted by various allied Departments and for allocation of fund to the line Departments. After obtaining fund the Government of India Nodal Department has allocated the approved cost of projects as per SLSC approval to the Allied Departments by cheque. During the allocation of fund, the SLSC has given priority on the sectors which would have impact on increasing production and productivity.
For detailed informations, please click here www.rkvy.nic.in