The Manipur Plant Dieseases and Pests Act, 1966

For preventing the introduction, spread or reappearance of plants
or are likely to contaminate water, water supply or are obstructive to
waterways in the Union Territory of Manipur, and for matters connected
therewith, ‘The Manipur plant Diseases and  Pests Act, 1966’ (No. 6 of 1966)
was enacted in the Seventeenth year of the Republic of Indian.

Under the  provisions of the Act which was extended to the whole of Manipur
from June, 1966-

(1) Whenever the Government Considers that any disease, pest, parasite or weed
in any area is injurious to plant, or is likely to contaminate water supply or
is obstructive to waterways, and that it is necessary to take measures to
eradicate such disease, pest, parasite or weed,. or to prevent its introduction,
spread or re-appearance, the  Governtment may, by notification in the Official

(a) declare the area to be an affected area for such period as may be
specified, with reference to the area;

(b) Prohibit or restrict the movement or removal of any plant, soil or manure
from one place to another;

(c) Prihibit the plantation or growing of any plant which is likely to be injurious
to another plant; and

(d) Direct that such other preventive or remedial measures shall be carried out
as the District Magistrate (including any Gazetted Officer of the Government
authourised by the District Megistrate under this Act) may consider necessary
to eradicate, destroy or prevent the introduction, spread or re-appearance of
any plant disease, pest, parasite or noxious weed.

2)On or after the essue of the notification the District Magistrate may by
(i) Direct every person having for the time being the right of occupation
or any person in actual occupation of the land, water or premises within the affected
area to carry out such
preventive or remedial measures as the District Magistrate may specify in the
notice, to eradicate, destroy or prevent the introduction, spread or
re-appearance of any plant disease, pest, parasite or noxious weed; by
Specifying the area within which and the period during which the measures are
to be carried out.
(ii) Call upon any able male person, not being below the age of eighteen
years and resisting within the affected area to render such assistance as may
be specified in the notice in carrying out preventive or remedial measures.

(3) Any Inspecting Officer or any authority appointed by the government for
the purpose, may, after giving reasonable notice to the occupier enter upon
any land, water or premises situated in the affected areas to ascertain

(i) Whether any plant disease, pest, parasite or noxious weed is present,

(ii)Whether any prohivision or restriction imposed on the movement or removal
of any plant, soil or manure from one place to another has been complied
with and
(iii) Whether  other preventive or remedial measures specified in the
notice to eradicate, destroy or prevent the introduction, spread or
reappearance of any plant disease, pest, parasite or noxious weed have been
carried out.

4)If the Inspecting Officer finds that any prohibition or restriction imposedhas not been complied with or that the preventive or remedial measureshave not been carried out as directed, the District Magistrate or any InspectingOfficer may carry out the preventive or remedial measures in the affected areasand recover the cost thereof as an arrear of land revenue.

5) If a person acts in contravention of the prohibition or the restrictionor the direction contained in any notification issued or fails to render assistance having been called upon to do so or obstruct the entry of any person authurised by the Government in the affected area or obstruct the carrying outof the preventive or remedial measures shall be deemed to have committed an offence  under the Act.

6) Any person convicted by a Magistrate of an offence specified above, shall be liable to fine not exceeding Rs.50/- or in default to simple imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 days. If the person convicted of an offense commits a like of offence afterwards, he shall on conviction be punishable with fine not exceeding Rs. 250/- or in default simple impresonment for a term not exceeding one month.

Director Agriculture

N. Gojendro

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