Use of Plant Protection Chemicals:

Like fertilizers, pesticides were little known inputs during pre-Green Revolution period. Gradually the area under Plan Protection increased from 55,400 ha. during 19872-73 to 1,32,000 ha. by the end of 8th Plan. Consumption of pesticides recorded a similar increase from 11.20 mt. during 1972-73 to 26.25 mt. during 2013-14. From simple bucket and broom methods of pesticide application during early 1970’s improved and sophisticated methods were applied during the 6th to 8th plan periods. Manually operated sprayers and dusters were replaced by power sprayers and even by aerial spraying. During 1980’s granular pesticides, fumigants, weedicides and new rodenticides were extensively used.
The State Plant Protection Section was strengthened with one mobile Plant Protection Squad, one Surveillance Unit, one pesticides testing Laboratory. One Plant Quarantine Station at Moreh established during the 8th Plan. Phyto Sanitary Certificate (PSC) for the import and export of identified commodities are issued by the said Station.

Director Agriculture

N. Gojendro

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