Farm Mechanization & its impact:

From the use of bullock power during 1970’s the state’s agriculture took a quick jump into the use of improved tillage implements and farm machineries. Several Power tillers and tractors along with improved agricultural implements e.g moulboard plough, three-tined cultivators, were made available to the farmers with heavy subsidy. One Custom Service Centre was also established during late 1970’s to cater to the needs of small and marginal farmers. Subsidies for purchase of tractors and power tiller have been given to selected farmers.
The result of this process of modernization has been that food grain production stood at 6.90 lakh tonnes in 2013-14 as against 2.83 lakh tones in 1972-73, the per hectare yield of rice was 2180 kgs in the state in 2013-14 was above the national average 2177 kg/hectare(2010-11). As a result of double and multiple cropping intensity in the state has risen to 145.16 p.c. during 2013-14 from 110 p.c. in 1972-73. The state has also taken steps in production of pulses and oil seeds.
Both area and levels of production of pulses and oilseeds during the early 1970‘s were quite insignificant. During the 7th and 8th plan periods Pulse and oilseed production caught tremendous momentum. The area under pulses increased from 21,000ha. during 7th Plan to 28500 ha. during the XIth Plan with an average annual production of 26.85 thousand mt. Likewise area under oilseeds increased from 20,220 ha during 7th to 35500 ha during the XIth Plan with an average annual production of 28.40 thousand mt.
Research & Development:
At present the department has one Rice Research Station at Wangbal that which was established during 1952 for conducting experiments and research, demonstration   of improved techniques of cultivation of rice and other filed crops and multiplication of improved and high yielding varieties of crops. So far the State Rice Research Station has released several H.Y.V., including Punshi, Phouoibi, Leimaphou, Akutphou, Ereima, Sanaphou, Pariphou and Ginphou etc.

However after establishment of the CAU and ICAR for NER at Lamphelpat, Imphal West Manipur major research activities have been taken by these Centres.

Director Agriculture

N. Gojendro

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